Treat Yourself: Ways to Self-Care for Moms
Hello, to all the beautiful moms out there! Welcome to a new week of the Itty Bitty Blog! We are SO excited for this week’s topic. Being a mom is a full-time job and there are no sick days or paid vacations… although, wouldn’t that be nice? It’s so important for moms to treat themselves and feel good too! Keep reading for a few simple, but effective ways to boost your mood and lower your stress-levels!

Working Out
Our boss babe Egreis said her number one trick to balancing her busy work life and mom life is by working out everyday to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a strong mentality. Not only does exercise promote good health and fitness, but it also releases endorphins, which are known to relieve stress and boost happiness. We know those leg-lifts or push-ups might not seem too appealing, but there are fun, easy ways to stay active! Hiking, yoga, dancing with your girlfriends, or even shopping are great ways to get your body moving.
Shopping Therapy
Money may not buy happiness, but shopping can give you an exciting new experience AND those pair of shoes you’ve been wanting for forever. It’s a win-win! There’s nothing wrong with a little retail therapy once in a while. It’s also a fun form of exercise… right?

Attend your beauty appointments
Going to the salon is a super fun and relaxing way to pamper yourself. Pedicures, manicures, massages, getting your hair done… why not do it all? You deserve it! You’re always doing everything for your little one, so why not have someone else help you de-stress for once.
Date nights
As the sun sets, why not go to your favorite restaurant you haven’t been to in a while with your husband? Or if you’re in the mood for some dancing, what about a night out with your best mom friends? This is a great way to catch up and give yourself a break from the chaos of being an amazing mom.
Pamper yourself at home
When the day is over and the kids are asleep, soak the stress away in a soothing bubble bath with your favorite glass of wine. Maybe even put on a face mask if you’re feeling extra ambitious. This will help you feel more relaxed and hopefully give you a better, peaceful sleep.

Don’t forget that you’re allowed to have a day that’s all about you, and not just Mother's day or your birthday! Even if you can only have a couple hours to yourself, make the most of it and relax and renew the way that you want to.
We appreciate you moms so much and we hope you can use some of these tips to treat yourself into relaxation! Thank you so much for tuning in to today’s Itty Bitty Blog, and we’ll see you next week.
IBT Team
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